The Skate Authority School

Advanced Techniques: Elevate Your Skateboarding Skills

Introduction: Congratulations on mastering the basics of skateboarding! Now it’s time to take your skills to the next level with advanced techniques. In this guide, we’ll explore a range of challenging tricks and maneuvers that will push your limits and enhance your skateboarding repertoire. Remember, practice, perseverance, and safety are key as you venture into the world of advanced skateboarding.

  1. Flip Tricks: Flip tricks are a staple of advanced skateboarding, adding an extra level of difficulty and style to your repertoire. Here are a few popular flip tricks to master:

    a. Kickflip: The kickflip involves kicking the tail of the board down while simultaneously flicking your front foot to make the board flip under you. As the board flips, you’ll need to catch it with your back foot and bring it back to the ground. Start by practicing the motion without committing to the full trick, gradually adding more height and control.

    b. Heelflip: Similar to the kickflip, the heelflip involves using your front foot to flick the board in the opposite direction, with your heel initiating the flip. The technique is slightly different from the kickflip, requiring a combination of a scooping motion and flick with your front foot. Practice the motion and gradually work on landing the heelflip cleanly.

    c. Varial Flip: The varial flip combines a kickflip with a shuvit. As you kickflip the board, you simultaneously scoop and pop the tail to initiate the shuvit motion. The board flips and spins in the same direction. Focus on the timing of the flick and scoop to execute this trick smoothly.

  2. Slides and Grinds: Slides and grinds are essential for taking your skateboarding to the streets and skateparks. They add a technical and stylish element to your riding. Here are some popular slides and grinds to master:

    a. Boardslide: Approach a rail or ledge at an angle, ollie onto it, and slide with the center of your board along the surface. Focus on balancing your weight and keeping your board perpendicular to the obstacle. Start with small rails and ledges before progressing to longer or curved ones.

    b. Lipslide: Similar to a boardslide, the lipslide involves sliding on the edge of the board instead of the center. Aim to lock your board onto the obstacle’s edge and maintain balance throughout the slide.

    c. 50-50 Grind: Ollie onto a rail or ledge and grind with both trucks. Focus on centering your weight and keeping your board parallel to the obstacle. As you progress, experiment with different variations, such as nose or tail grinds.

    d. Smith Grind: Approach a rail or ledge at an angle, ollie onto it, and lock your front truck onto the edge while grinding. The back truck should be slightly above the obstacle. Maintain balance and control as you slide along the edge.

  3. Transition Tricks: Transition skating involves riding ramps, bowls, and halfpipes. Mastering these tricks requires a combination of speed, timing, and proper technique. Here are a few advanced transition tricks to strive for:

    a. Frontside Air: Approach the ramp with speed, extend your legs, and lift your front wheels off the coping. Reach your leading arm across your body while twisting your upper body frontside. Spot your landing and prepare for a smooth descent.

    b. Backside Air: Similar to the frontside air, approach the ramp with speed, extend your legs, and lift your back wheels off the coping. Rotate your upper body backside while looking over your leading shoulder. Spot your landing and prepare for a controlled landing.

    c. Rock to Fakie: Ride up the transition, shift your weight onto the tail, and perform a small ollie, lifting the front wheels off the coping. As you descend, land with your back wheels first, followed by the front wheels. Practice maintaining balance during the rock to fakie motion.

    d. Axle Stall: Ride up the transition, ollie, and land with your trucks on the coping. Balance on your trucks for a moment before ollieing back into the ramp. Start with small stalls and gradually increase the height and duration.

  4. Filming and Editing: Documenting your skateboarding adventures is an excellent way to showcase your skills and progress. Consider investing in a camera or smartphone with video capabilities. Here are some tips for filming and editing skateboarding videos:

    a. Camera Angles: Experiment with different camera angles to capture your tricks effectively. Place the camera at different heights, use wide and close-up shots, and try different perspectives to add variety and enhance the visual appeal.

    b. Smooth Footage: Use a steady hand or invest in a gimbal or stabilizer to minimize camera shake. Smooth footage allows viewers to focus on your tricks without distractions.

    c. Editing: Trim the footage to remove unnecessary parts and focus on the highlights. Add transitions, music, and titles to enhance the overall aesthetic. Use video editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro or iMovie to fine-tune your skateboarding videos.

Conclusion: With these advanced techniques, you’ll be able to elevate your skateboarding skills and showcase your style and creativity. Remember to practice regularly, be patient with yourself, and always prioritize safety. Push your limits, challenge yourself, and continue exploring new tricks and maneuvers. Enjoy the thrill of advanced skateboarding and embrace the endless possibilities!